Class MatrixScheduler<T>

Type Parameters


  • MatrixScheduler


  • Construct a scheduler for Matrix. Requires setProcessFunction to be provided with a way of processing events.

    Type Parameters


    • retryAlgorithm: ((event: null | MatrixEvent, attempts: number, err: MatrixError) => number) = MatrixScheduler.RETRY_BACKOFF_RATELIMIT

      Optional. The retry algorithm to apply when determining when to try to send an event again. Defaults to RETRY_BACKOFF_RATELIMIT.

        • (event: null | MatrixEvent, attempts: number, err: MatrixError): number
        • Retries events up to 4 times using exponential backoff. This produces wait times of 2, 4, 8, and 16 seconds (30s total) after which we give up. If the failure was due to a rate limited request, the time specified in the error is waited before being retried.




          • event: null | MatrixEvent
          • attempts: number

            Number of attempts that have been made, including the one that just failed (ie. starting at 1)

          • err: MatrixError

          Returns number

    • queueAlgorithm: ((event: MatrixEvent) => null | string) = MatrixScheduler.QUEUE_MESSAGES

      Optional. The queuing algorithm to apply when determining which events should be sent before the given event. Defaults to QUEUE_MESSAGES.

        • (event: MatrixEvent): null | string
        • Queues events and lets other events continue concurrently.




          Returns null | string

    Returns MatrixScheduler<T>


activeQueues: string[] = []
procFn: null | ProcessFunction<T> = null
queueAlgorithm: ((event: MatrixEvent) => null | string) = MatrixScheduler.QUEUE_MESSAGES

Type declaration

    • (event: MatrixEvent): null | string
    • The queuing algorithm to apply to events. This function must be idempotent as it may be called multiple times with the same event. All queues created are serviced in a FIFO manner. To send the event ASAP, return null which will not put this event in a queue. Events that fail to send that form part of a queue will be removed from the queue and the next event in the queue will be sent.


      The name of the queue to put the event into. If a queue with this name does not exist, it will be created. If this is null, the event is not put into a queue and will be sent concurrently.


      Returns null | string

queues: Record<string, IQueueEntry<T>[]> = {}
retryAlgorithm: ((event: null | MatrixEvent, attempts: number, err: MatrixError) => number) = MatrixScheduler.RETRY_BACKOFF_RATELIMIT

Type declaration

    • (event: null | MatrixEvent, attempts: number, err: MatrixError): number
    • The retry algorithm to apply when retrying events. To stop retrying, return -1. If this event was part of a queue, it will be removed from the queue.


      The number of milliseconds to wait before trying again. If this is 0, the request will be immediately retried. If this is -1, the event will be marked as NOT_SENT and will not be retried.


      • event: null | MatrixEvent

        The event being retried.

      • attempts: number

        The number of failed attempts. This will always be >= 1.

      • err: MatrixError

        The most recent error message received when trying to send this event.

      Returns number


  • Retrieve a queue based on an event. The event provided does not need to be in the queue.


    A shallow copy of events in the queue or null. Modifying this array will not modify the list itself. Modifying events in this array will modify the underlying event in the queue.


    MatrixScheduler.removeEventFromQueue To remove an event from the queue.


    Returns null | MatrixEvent[]

  • Parameters

    • queueName: string

    Returns void

  • Queue an event if it is required and start processing queues.


    A promise if the event was queued, which will be resolved or rejected in due time, else null.


    Returns null | Promise<T>

  • Remove this event from the queue. The event is equal to another event if they have the same ID returned from event.getId().


    True if this event was removed.


    Returns boolean

  • Set the process function. Required for events in the queue to be processed. If set after events have been added to the queue, this will immediately start processing them.


    • fn: ProcessFunction<T>

      The function that can process events in the queue.

    Returns void

  • Queues events and lets other events continue concurrently.




    Returns null | string

  • Retries events up to 4 times using exponential backoff. This produces wait times of 2, 4, 8, and 16 seconds (30s total) after which we give up. If the failure was due to a rate limited request, the time specified in the error is waited before being retried.




    • event: null | MatrixEvent
    • attempts: number

      Number of attempts that have been made, including the one that just failed (ie. starting at 1)

    • err: MatrixError

    Returns number

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